Type: Resources

Natural gas serves as a feedstock for a number of consumer products, from plastics, tires, rubber and insulation to clothing and household goods.

A Boy Scout named Brian passed an article along to the Michigan Forest Products Counil earlier this month regarding forest fires. Brian is very aware of the forest fires happening in Alberta, Canada because his cousin lives in Calgary.

The 2016 second quarter report includes data on forest health in Huron-Manistee, Ottawa and Hiawatha forests, second quarter state and federal market activity and second quarter timber sales. 

The Michigan Forest Products Council applauds the annoucement by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that it has released the draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Rover natural gas pipeline project. 

Check out the rules to the MFPC Photo Contest here!

The 2016 first quarter report includes data on forest health in Huron-Manistee, Ottawa and Hiawatha forests, first quarter state and federal market activity and first quarter timber sales. 

On February 9, 2016 the International Marketing Program at MDARD and the Global Business Club of Mid-Michigan hosted the Expanding Your Exports seminar at the MSU Henry Center. 

View the documents below that were covered at the seminar. 

Find out from students, professors and recruiters why the paper and packaging industry is always green and always growing. 


View a PDF of the state of the forestry industry in Michigan from 2012, developed by Dr. Larry Leefers, Forest Economist, Michigan State University. 


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